[Part 1] One more thing we need to know about Bibliography



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* Dasapta Erwin Irawan
* Andriyanti
* Iwan Setiawan
* Rizal Debrian

Affiliation: Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung

How to cite this page:

Irawan, D., Andriyanti, Setiawan, I. and Debrian, R. (2014). Bibliography Part 1: The first search is always overwhelming. [online] My little online books. Available at: http://onlinewaterbook.wordpress.com/2014/06/29/part-1-one-more-thing-we-need-to-know-about-bibliography/ [Accessed 26 Jun. 2014].

My co-authors, found the fact that there were over 1000 abstracts using the words West Java in the database of Annual Indonesia Association of Geologist Proceeding. This organization is the biggest geologist organization in Indonesia. We are planning to filter the list with the following keywords:

  1. We use IN(TITLE) option in every search
  2. We use the following keywords combinations:
Stage English Indonesia
Stage one West Java Jawa Barat
Stage one geothermal geotermal
panas bumi
hotspring mataair panas
hot spring mata air panas
volcanogenic volkanogenik
vulcanogenic vulkanogenik

So the result is we need to know the number of papers that correspond to the following complete keywords in the title.

Keyword 1 (AND) keyword 2 Number of publ Publ type: Keyword 1 (AND) keyword 2 Number of publ Publ type:
geotermal Jawa Barat ??? geothermal West Java ???
panasbumi Jawa Barat ??? ???
panas bumi Jawa Barat ??? ???
vulkanogenik Jawa Barat ??? vulcanogenic West Java ???
volkanogenik Jawa Barat ??? volcanogenic West Java ???
mataair panas Jawa Barat ??? hotspring West Java ???
mata air panas Jawa Barat ??? hot spring West Java ???

3.We will also list all the publications time-wise, so we can me a time series chart to see the trend of papers with each keyword combination as show in the previous table.

We are going to use:
1. general search using Google Scholar dan Scopus, without pre-screening the source.
2. pre-screened search. We are going to focus on several Indonesia-scale large academic event: Annual Meeting of Indonesia Association of Geologist, Indonesia Association of Geophysics, and Indonesia Petroleum Association.

Why do we plan to do the “pre-screened” search? Because we believe there will be abundant papers that presented in those events but not going online.

Anyway, these two entries were the earliest result of this work. Buckle Up Guys:

  • Sriwana, T., van Bergen, M.J., Sumarti, S, de Hoog, J.C., van Os, B.J., Wahyuningsih, R., Dam, M.C. (1988), “Volcanogenic pollution by acid water discharges along Ciwidey River, west Java,” Jour. Geochem. Exploration, 62, p. 161-182. (Pencemaran hulu sungai Ciwidey akibat asupan polutan volkanogenik dari kawah putih, dan atenuasi polutan akibat pengenceran oleh air“bersih” )
  • Layman, E.B, Soemarinda, S. (2003), “The Patuha Vapor Dominated Resource, West Java, Indonesia.” Proc.28th Workshop. Geoth. Res. Engginering, Stanf ord Univ. SGP-TR-173 (Sistem Geothermal gunung Patuha serta manifestasi permukaan, sejarah dan perkembangan proyek Geotermal gunung Patuha)