Background This is the good thing about open database. Although Google Scholar (GS) is not a completely open database, but people at Google let us…
Tag: google scholar
Google Scholar Profile
Katanya untuk kalangan akademis, online visibility itu penting. Salah satu yang banyak disebut adalah memiliki Google Scholar (GS) Profile. Profile tersebut seperti etalase privat, berisi…
WTF: Bagaimana Indonesia "ditemukan"? SEO for Academics
Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Institut Teknologi Bandung Outline 1 Pendahuluan 1.1 Search Engines 1.2 Scientific databases 1.3 Bagaimana aplikasi itu bekerja? 1.4 Di bagian mana mencarinya?…
#Google's Anatomy (1.3) (in Indonesian Lang)
Google’s anatomy (cont) Nah gambar ini memperlihatkan simbol “box” di bagian kanan artikel. Itu tandanya artikel bisa didownload. Umumnya dalam format pdf. Kalau anda akses…
#Google's Anatomy (1.2) (in Indonesian Lang)
Google’s anatomy (cont) “Save” untuk menyimpan artikel tersebut ke library GScholar anda. Nantinya bisa dishare ke teman-teman anda. Nah gambar yang ini akan muncul kalau…
#Google's Anatomy (1.1) (in Indonesian Lang)
Malam minggu daripada hanya nonton TV bisa ikuti kulpet ini. Coba lihat snapshot ini. Lihat kata kuncinya (sdh pernah dijelaskan) Lihat baris paking bawah…
Google's {not Grey's} Anatomy
(from personal collection) Dear friends, I write this post related to the previous post: Bibliography Part 1: One more thing about Bibliography Bibliography Part 2:…
WTF: Playing with your keywords (Bibliography Part 2)
Bibliography Part 2: Playing with your keywords. A Google Scholar examples Author: Dasapta Erwin Irawan(@dasaptaerwin), Andriyanti, Rizal Debrian, Iwan Setiawan Composed using: ReText 4.1.2, Linux…
[Part 1] One more thing we need to know about Bibliography
[image from:] Author: * Dasapta Erwin Irawan * Andriyanti * Iwan Setiawan * Rizal Debrian Affiliation: Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and…
Simple #bibliometric with Microsoft Academic using #R
#R: Simple #bibliometric comparation **Using: Google Scholar (GS), Microsoft Academic (MSA), Scopus (SCP), and Web of Science (WOS) Table of Contents #R: Simple #bibliometric comparation…