Just tweeted this info from @dasaptaerwin Ways to develop originality Via ANU: http://buff.ly/1LPDQqX (image borrowed from: www.liquidagency.com) View on Path
Month: May 2015
Saat eksplorasi migas “lesu”
Di saat dunia eksplorasi migas sedang lesu, beginilah saya memanfaatkan waktu luang. Terima disain rumah 3D, manual rendering. Ralat: saat eksplorasi migas sedang tidak lesu…
Two abstracts for APS 2015
Two abstracts submitted for the upcoming Asian Physics Symposium 2015: 3D flow patterns at the river–aquifer interface – a case study at Cikapundung watershed Decreasing…
Oleh-oleh Sabtu ini
Oleh-oleh Sabtu ini. Di sela-sela acara serius dapat hiburan yang beginian. View on Path
Keliling Kampus Dunia: Classic Mazda
Get to read this book. Despite the interesting story, I really enjoy how a classic early 80’s Mazda involved in the scene. View on Path
Clearly my taste is frozen in time
Hands down Clearly my taste is frozen in time. 😄😄😄 View on Path
1st Circular: Indonesia R Meet Up
Karena ternyata sudah banyak yang “terungkap” sebagai Pengguna R (pada tahap beginners hingga advanced), sudah saatnya merancang acara R meet up. Contohnya seperti ini:…
3rd Workshop: Introduction to R
Alhamdulillah Acara 3rd Intro to R telah selesai dilaksanakan, sekitar 50 peserta telah hadir. Ada Pak Adi Pancoro Biologi 🙂 Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan….
My wife is on the news
My wife is in her 2nd year of PhD. Under the supervision of Prof. Louise Baur from the Westmead Children Hospital, +The University of Sydney, she…
On the utilization of produced-water: blogging my journal article
This blog post was inspired by a post by “Writing for Research” on Medium entitled “How to write a blogpost from your journal article” and Melissa…