Mengenai kesuraman, memang derajat kesuraman masing-2 orang akan beda. Sharing sy tanpa bermaksud menggurui, sy menerjunkan diri menjadi pendidik sejak lulus thn 1998. Itu pun…
Month: February 2009
Someone once told me, that everything looks beautiful on the precise time and at the exact right place, not a second before nor after, not…
Going a lil bit scientific guys
Rekans, utk meningkatkan Peringkat Webometrics ITB dari sisi parameter rich files, kami berupaya sebanyak mungkin dapat mengupload (baca: diungga) file-2 public domain agar dapat didownload…
Gigih (persistent)
Persistent: the act of persisting; continuing or repeating behavior; “his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate” ( Someone told me…
Perfect (Simple Plan)
Mungkin ada yg tahu Grup Punk Rock Simple Plan. Sy sdh ratusan kali mendengar salah satu lagunya berjudul “Perfect” tapi baru kemarin sy bener-2 mendengar…
Jason Statham
My favorite action hero now. Here is a little bit about this guy… (from various sources) Why we like him ?? A one-time Olympic diver,…
One of my post on a miling list Hehe, Pak Oji sdh mulai penasaran. Gini Pak, pinter ngetik sih ngga juga, baru 3 thn. Hanya…
Little house on the Prairie from Wikipedia
Little House on the Prairie is an American one-hour dramatic television program that aired on the NBC network from September 11, 1974, to March 21,…