Suram dan kesuraman…

Mengenai kesuraman, memang derajat kesuraman masing-2 orang akan beda. Sharing sy tanpa bermaksud menggurui, sy menerjunkan diri menjadi pendidik sejak lulus thn 1998. Itu pun…


Someone once told me, that everything looks beautiful on the precise time and at the exact right place, not a second before nor after, not…

Gigih (persistent)

Persistent: the act of persisting; continuing or repeating behavior; “his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate” ( Someone told me…

Perfect (Simple Plan)

Mungkin ada yg tahu Grup Punk Rock Simple Plan. Sy sdh ratusan kali mendengar salah satu lagunya berjudul “Perfect” tapi baru kemarin sy bener-2 mendengar…

Jason Statham

My favorite action hero now. Here is a little bit about this guy… (from various sources) Why we like him ?? A one-time Olympic diver,…


One of my post on a miling list Hehe, Pak Oji sdh mulai penasaran. Gini Pak, pinter ngetik sih ngga juga, baru 3 thn. Hanya…