Waktu masih SD, SMP, SMA dulu, saya sering mendengar guru bilang, bahwa hanya ada 3 macam murid yang mudah diingat guru: yang paling pintar, yang…
Month: February 2014
WTF: Menulis artikel ilmiah lebih mudah dibanding menulis cerpen
Hasil belajar minggu ini setelah menelan bbeberapa makalah dan satu buku tentang menulis, ternyata menulis artikel ilmiah (mestinya) akan lebih mudah dibanding cerpen: Singkat tapi…
10 Perguruan Tinggi Terbaik di Indonesia
Berikut sharing dari Prof Hendra Gunawan (math scientist/blogger). Terimakasih informasinya pak. Bersyukur kita masih di atas. Pertanyaan saya (dan juga banyak pembaca yang lain), “bagaimana…
The one with the online form
Menanggapi keluhan salah satu anggota milis beasiswa tentang kegagalan sistem saat mengisi form online, perkenankan saya urun saran. Untuk menghindari gagal sistem dll saat mengisi…
Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V 's
— Please be VERY careful with your Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V ‘s — Observing the recently investigated plagiarism, please be (VERY) careful with your copy and…
The one with my wife story
A retweet from my wife timeline (@putry_erwin), about her supervisor and PhD life: Oya. Read from the lowest ya the slowly scroll upwards :-)….
Volcanic Ashes
these are my tweets about volcanic ashes earlier this morning: @hgunawan82: “@agustiana81: Abu vulkanik itu apa? Dan kenapa warnanya kayak gitu? Kira2 bs dipakai apa…
About Redfern
The name is Australia Tech park, but the gate was an old locomotive workshop :-), very close to Redfern Train Station – at The University…
Take a look closely. Zoom if you have to. this website is our main cause of major headache these days 🙂 lucky me, I have…
The one with the email reply
I am very sorry for posting it in Indonesian Language, because it was originally a n email reply to a student, asking how did I…