Dear friends,
Don’t expect fancy stuff in this post. It’s just my way to show you how powerful “plain” text can be these days. I wrote this post using Re-Text 4.1.2 on Ubuntu 13.10.
The following text is the source Markdown text file. I’m still learning on how to use in-text ciation, inserting bibliography, in-text figure and text referencing, table of content (TOC), and list of figures/tables.
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Bibliography Part 2: Playing with your keywords. A Google Scholar examples === * Author: Dasapta Erwin Irawan(@dasaptaerwin), Andriyanti, Rizal Debrian, Iwan Setiawan * Affiliation: Department of Geology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia * Composed using: [ReText 4.1.2](, [Linux Ubuntu 13.10]( * How to cite: >```Irawan, D., Andriyanti, Setiawan, I. and Debrian, R. (2014). Bibliography Part 2: Playing with your keywords. A Google Scholar examples. [online] My little online books. Available at: [Accessed {your access date}].``` #1. Intro Dear friends, We've talked about how overwhelming first search is. Tonnes of links with no idea on how to screen in it. Well that's why we call it _brainstorming_ everyone ([have a look at this here]( This post is related to the previous post: 1. [Bibliography Part 0: Why is it important (In Indonesia language)]( 2. [Bibliography Part 1: First search is always overwhelming]( I tried out these keywords on [Google Scholar]( and captured the results as see in the following images: 1. ```geothermal west java``` 2. ```geothermal (AND) west java``` 3. ```geothermal (IN TITLE) west java``` #2. ```geothermal west java``` Use the above keywords if you want to see the broad image of the subject ```geothermal``` **(AND/OR)** ```west java```. Google Scholar (Gscholar) will look for any entries with the both words online. So you would see _all_ materials with both words or individual word anywhere in the text (see Figure ref{Figure 1}): * could be in the title, * could be in the abstract, * or it could be in the body text  #3. ```geothermal (AND) west java``` Use these keywords with __(AND)__ operator to command Gscholar to _only_ look for materials with both words anywhere in each entries. You can see a total of 5940 results. Kind of give you a major headache doesn't it. But the first 5 to 10 result pages will show only you materials with both keywords, and then you can see that the later pages show only one of the keyword (see Figure ref{Figure 2}).  west java```") So there you go, your first screened Gscholar results. #4. ```geothermal (IN TITLE) west java``` Use these keywords with __(IN TITLE)__ operator to command Gscholar to _only_ look for materials with both words in the title on each entry (see see Figure ref{Figure 3}).  west java```") I recommend to use this operator for initial search to increase the chance of getting what you need. |
From the following attachments, we can see that Re-Text can convert md file to odt and pdf file smoothly. However for those of you that still use Ms.Word, you can use pandoc
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Herewith I attached:
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first - blogbib.odt: converted by Re-Text, you can open it with LibreOffice or OpenOffice
- blogbib.doc: converted by
usingpandoc -o blogbib.doc
in your Linux/Mac terminal and Windows prompt.