Starting a PhD: 5 things 1st


Yesterday was the first day of a journey assisting a PhD student. His research is on hydrogeology for regional planning.

My five to do list suggestions for him were:

  1. Go social and build your own scientific network: activate your socmed acc (FB/twitter/Google+) and scientific media acc (eg ResearchGate, ResearchID),
  2. Start academic blogging: set up your own blog (at wordpress/blogger) and repository,
  3. Set up a reference management system: sign up an acc at or, download the app and plugins for Firefox and WordProcessor.
  4. Set up a filling system: buy binders, create systematic folders on your drive, create acc on cloud note-taking app (eg Evernote) and download the app.
  5. Start to write: bear in mind that there will be no semester without at least a paper to write an a talk to share.

And you’re good to go.

Hari gini tidak pakai socmed.





(image: private collection, Regression Model Course, Coursera, Prof. B. Caffo)