Hello my name is Dasapta from Institut Teknologi Bandung and also member of Indonesia Open Science Team. My question for the speakers are:
Question no 1 for SN speakers
a) about the country level transformative agreement how can SN make it fairer to global community especially those country who have more important projects to fund which are closer to tackle SDGs.
b) SN must notice that Indonesia has a strong community of diamond OA journals funded by non-profits organizations, what’s the role of SN (as for profit company) for those journals when SN decides to enter Indonesia’s academic market?
Antoine Bocquet 01:54 PM
SN is working with many countries around the world on transformative agreements. We understand it will be challenging for a country like Indonesia to participate immediately based on the volume of research. The majority of our research is still published without charge to researchers in subscription journals and we are looking for ways to allow more researchers in countries with less funding to also publish OA. This obviously requires discussion at a national level. And of course we are very encouraged to see a vibrant publishing environment in Indonesia , both in English and Bahasa Indonesia, and think this is really positive for Indonesian researchers.
My response: thank you Antoine for answering. “And of course we are very encouraged to see a vibrant publishing environment in Indonesia , both in English and Bahasa Indonesia, and think this is really positive for Indonesian researchers.” >> the problem is the climate of prestige over content would put down the vibrant local publishing ecosystem because people are more interested into the prestige that they can get by publishing to big publisher (eg: SN). you must understand this well.
Antoine Bocquet:
Dear Dasapta. Finding ways for local journals and researchers to achieve open science is an interesting and important topic. In the end the support of funding bodies is essential whether you are in a well funded country or in the Global South.
Question no 2 for THES and SDG speakers:
the current situation of academic research and publication are very worrying because almost all of the success indicators of a university are based on brand of prestige from rankings and journals. This This would bring academia to move away from the actual on-field SDG problem solving.
What would you suggest for the representatives of Indonesia ministry of research and higher education that attend this meeting?
Sir Phillip Campbell answers live: he explicitly says to not depend completely to high impact journal as it would potentially move researchers to tackle real problems in SDG.
Question no 3 for SN speakers: another question about SDG chart. the classification of the SDG of a paper, who did it, the author or publisher?
Sawluan Chua: Hello, if you are referring to the chart that Sir Phil presented, it was from the tools called Dimensions. You could try to access some publication data but some analytics tool is behind the pay wall.
Another technical question about measuring citation to policy document: what do we have to do with the policy document so it can be picked up by Dimensions?
Antoine Bocquet: Best way is to publish these in some form with a “DOI”. Dimensions scans a lot of the literature in repositories but a DOI is essential to being picked up.
My response: Thank you Antoine about the DOI. I have suggested mu institution and others (including policy makers) to build an open repository for this kinds of (non-formal) documents. But i get very few responses.