How do We Gauge the Impact of Science – ArcadiaScience


The video features a session on evaluating the impact of scientific research, emphasizing the importance of open science and pre-print sharing to accelerate discovery. Arcadia Science’s approach to publishing, which prioritizes speed, accessibility, and author agency, is highlighted. The discussion addresses the challenges of traditional metrics in assessing scientific value and the need for new methods that reflect the true utility and impact of research.

Introduction to the Session

  • Concentrating on the vital task of assessing the tangible and intangible impact of scientific progress on our society.
  • Highlighting the crucial role that sharing research findings in a pre-print space plays in promoting collaboration and accelerating discovery.
  • Fostering an environment of interactive participation to ensure all voices are heard and contributions are valued.

Arcadia Science’s Philosophy

  • Applying an evolutionary perspective to the concept of open science, acknowledging that our understanding and methodology must adapt and evolve over time.
  • A firm commitment towards accelerating purposeful discovery that holds the potential to change lives and transform our understanding of the world.
  • A strong advocacy for open science and leadership roles, fostering an inclusive space where diverse perspectives can thrive.

Agenda and Interactive Session

  • Engaging discussion on the philosophy behind publishing scientific research and the different methods of measuring its impact.
  • Emphasizing the importance of verifiability, replication, and building upon previous research in order to push the boundaries of our collective knowledge.
  • A structured Q&A session designed to delve deeper into these topics and address any queries or concerns.

Arcadia’s Publication Process

  • Commitment to publishing on an open-source platform, thereby promoting accessibility and inclusivity.
  • Encouraging public comments and engagement to foster a lively scientific discourse.
  • A strong focus on data sharing and ensuring research utility, to maximize the potential impact of each publication.

The challenges and considerations in scientific research

The video discusses the challenges and considerations in scientific research, focusing on data management, publishing, and the business model of a science company called Arcadia. It highlights the importance of open science, the impact of metadata on research replication, and the role of community feedback in advancing scientific work. The conversation also touches on incentivizing reviewers and the potential for changing attitudes towards replication and feedback in the scientific community.

Challenges in Data Management

  • The inherent issues associated with metadata stripping which pose significant challenges to the replication of research studies
  • The critical importance of effectively controlling parameters in scientific data to ensure accuracy in results and conclusions

Arcadia’s Business Model and Publishing

  • A deep dive into Arcadia’s unique in-house science model, which is driven by a goal to accelerate innovation across multiple scientific fields
  • An examination of Arcadia’s strategic approach to spin out companies and make cutting-edge scientific research publicly available for the benefit of the broader scientific community

Community Feedback and Open Science

  • The pivotal role that community feedback plays in improving the quality, accuracy, and relevance of scientific research
  • The promotion of open science as a means to accelerate scientific progress by sharing data, resources, and findings

Attitudes Towards Replication and Feedback

  • The ongoing effort to change researchers’ attitudes towards the replication of studies, a critical aspect of scientific validation
  • The importance of promoting a culture of collaboration and joy in scientific discovery, fostering a more inclusive and productive research environment
  • The problem of metadata stripping is a predominant issue that affects the process of research replication. It’s important to pay attention to this because when metadata is stripped, it can create significant hurdles in the replication of research, leading to a potential loss of data integrity.
  • The control of parameters in scientific data is of utmost importance. This is because in the realm of scientific research, having well-controlled parameters ensures the reliability and accuracy of data, which in turn upholds the credibility of the findings.

Faster citation cycles and broader implications of research

The video discusses the importance of citations, data sharing, and the impact of scientific research. The speakers emphasize the need for faster citation cycles, proper credit for data and code contributions, and the broader implications of research beyond academia. They explore the challenges of reviewing and publishing scientific work, including the need for more granular, modular publications to facilitate better peer review and accelerate scientific progress. The conversation also touches on the role of journals in the digital age and the potential for open science to transform traditional publishing models.

Citation and Data Sharing

  • The importance of citing preprints in an effort to expedite the research cycle is a critical aspect of modern research methodology.
  • A common issue is the frustration caused by a lack of recognition or credit for data contributions from various sources.
  • There is an increasing need for the implementation of persistent identifiers for research products to ensure clear and accurate tracking.

Modular Publications

  • The advantages of deconstructing publications into smaller, citable units are numerous – it promotes clarity and specificity.
  • A significant challenge lies in finding suitable reviewers and ensuring the provision of quality reviews that effectively contribute to the improvement and refinement of the research.
  • The potential for modular publications to aid machine learning applications and research is a promising prospect.

Impact and Future of Journals

  • The broader impact of science on society, as well as its influence on the economy, is an area of increasing interest and investigation.
  • There are ongoing discussions about the relevance of traditional journals in the current climate of open science, which promotes accessibility and transparency.
  • The importance of storytelling and providing context within scientific narratives is crucial for the comprehension and engagement of the readership.

Open Science and Review Process

  • Encouraging the practice of open publications and the review of preprints is a step towards the democratization of scientific research.
  • Addressing the issue of the reviewer selection algorithm and its potential flaws is essential to ensure the fairness and efficacy of the review process.
  • There is a suggestion to fractalize publications, breaking them down into smaller components, as a strategy for accelerating scientific progress.
  • The importance of citing preprints cannot be overstated as it allows for faster research cycles. By acknowledging the work done by others in their prepublication stage, the scientific community can prevent duplication of efforts and accelerate the pace of discovery.
  • There is a growing frustration within the academic community over the lack of credit for data contributions. Many researchers invest significant time and effort in collecting and processing data, only to have their contributions overlooked or undervalued. This is a significant issue that needs to be addressed to ensure fair recognition and reward for all types of scholarly contribution.
  • The need for persistent identifiers for research products is another crucial aspect. These identifiers provide a unique reference to each research product, allowing for accurate attribution and easier tracking of research outputs over time. This is particularly important in today’s digital age, where research products extend beyond traditional publications to include datasets, software, and other non-traditional outputs.