[ISEST-FITB-2024] The Role of Socio-Hydrogeology in Closing The Gaps Between Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Hydrogeological Mapping



Introduction: In numerous hydrogeological studies, the value of local knowledge concerning groundwater sources and contamination is often underestimated in favor of strictly scientific data. This oversight can result in an incomplete understanding of groundwater systems. Local communities possess valuable insights into seasonal variations, contamination origins, and historical water usage patterns that are not fully captured by scientific measurements alone. This perspective article shows the gaps between both quantitative and qualitative approach and how we can mixed those approaches to improve hydrogeological mapping in Indonesia.

Methods: Scientific models are typically utilized to predict groundwater contamination risks based on parameters like land use and hydrological data. However, these models often fail to consider the community’s perception of these risks. For example, a community might perceive the threat of contamination from nearby industrial activities to be higher than what scientific models indicate. This discrepancy can lead to distrust in scientific findings and resistance to proposed management strategies.

Discussions: Hydrogeological mapping generally focuses on the physical availability of groundwater resources, often overlooking the specific needs and priorities of local communities. For instance, a hydrogeological study might determine that an area has adequate groundwater for agricultural purposes, yet may fail to recognize that the local community prioritizes drinking water access over agricultural use. This misalignment can lead to conflicts and inefficient resource allocation.

Further explanation

In many studies about underground water (groundwater), scientists often focus solely on scientific data and overlook local knowledge from the community. This can lead to an incomplete understanding of the groundwater system. For example, local people have valuable insights about seasonal changes, sources of contamination, and historical water usage that scientific measurements might miss.

Failing to conduct socio-economic observations when studying groundwater systems can have significant impacts, particularly in both urban and rural areas:

  • Water Scarcity and Inequity: Without understanding socio-economic contexts, urban groundwater management strategies may fail to meet the needs of marginalized communities, leading to unequal water distribution and scarcity in low-income neighborhoods.
  • Increased Contamination Risks: Ignoring local knowledge about historical industrial activities can result in underestimating contamination risks. This oversight can lead to public health crises as communities continue using contaminated water sources.
  • Public Distrust: When local communities are not involved in groundwater management decisions, there can be a lack of trust in scientific recommendations. This distrust can hinder the implementation of effective water management policies.
  • Misaligned Water Priorities: Rural communities often have different water usage priorities, such as agricultural vs. drinking water needs. Without socio-economic observations, management strategies might focus on one at the expense of the other, leading to conflicts and resource misallocation.
  • Loss of Traditional Knowledge: Many rural communities have generations of knowledge about local water sources, seasonal changes, and contamination signs. Ignoring this knowledge can result in less effective groundwater management.
  • Economic Hardships: Poorly designed groundwater management policies that do not consider the economic realities of rural populations can exacerbate poverty, as communities may rely heavily on groundwater for their livelihoods, especially in agriculture.

Scientific models usually predict groundwater contamination risks based on factors like land use and hydrological data. However, these models may not consider how the community views these risks. For instance, a community might believe that nearby industrial activities pose a higher contamination threat than what scientific models suggest. This difference in perception can lead to distrust in scientific findings and resistance to proposed water management strategies.

Furthermore, hydrogeological mapping often focuses on the physical availability of groundwater without considering the specific needs and priorities of local communities. For example, a scientific study might conclude that there is enough groundwater for farming, but might fail to realize that the local community values drinking water access more than agricultural use. This mismatch can cause conflicts and inefficient use of resources.