ISEST 2022-Identification of Anthropogenic Influences to Groundwater in Pangalengan Highlands


[Abstract ID: ABS-127]

Identification of Anthropogenic Influences to Groundwater in Pangalengan Highlands

Arif Susanto, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Farhan Hudaya, Mochammad Rifky Rizqullah, Enggal Estuaji, Dita Aprilia PUtra, Dziki Hilmawan, Fadhlan Rahmany Binadzier, and Fachrul Arief

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology,

Institut Teknologi Bandung


Pangalengan Plateau is a volcanic area which is famous as one of the centers of tea plantations in Indonesia. The Majority of land use is in the form of plantations, but this does not rule out the possibility of anthropogenic contamination to groundwater.

As many as 30 groundwater quality data have been collected from springs, dug wells, and drilled wells. We measured temperature, EC, pH, and the content of major elements (Ca, Na, Mg, K, SO4, HCO3, Cl, NO2, and NO3), NH4, and organic components (EColi and total coliform).

Multivariable statistical analysis was used to identify possible anthropogenic influences in the groundwater. We apply Principal Component Analysis and Distance Mapping Analysis with Python programming language (Orange Data Mining).

We managed to identify the prominent components of NO2, NO3, and NH4 in groundwater. It is suspected that this condition is caused by the influence of fertilizers, plant chemicals, plantation, and domestic waste that flows on the surface of the soil and rivers in the area. These substances then ssep into the soil layers and then reach the groundwater zone.

The influence of domestic waste is also marked by the emergence of EColi bacteria and high coliform values.

Keywords: Pangalengan, anthropogenic, water quality, domestic waste, plantation waste

Topic: Interdisciplinary geosciences

Type: Oral Presentation
