Kemiskinan dan akses air bersih

Oleh: Achmad Darul dan Dasapta Erwin Irawan

Kemiskinan dan akses air bersih

Hubungan antara akses air (kuantitas dan kualitas) berhubungan dengan kemiskinan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari dua arah. Dari arah kemiskinan menuju kemampuan mengakses air bersih, atau dilihat dari rendahnya kemampuan untuk mengakses air bersih yang mengakibatkan kemiskinan.

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Tugas akhir yang bagus adalah yang selesai

Buku ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang arti dan makna dari menyelesaikan tugas akhir bagi mahasiswa. Dalam buku ini, penulis akan menjelaskan secara detail mengenai pentingnya tugas akhir dalam menyelesaikan studi, baik dari segi praktis maupun edukasional.

Isi dari buku ini mencakup penjelasan tentang tugas akhir sebagai persyaratan utama dalam menyelesaikan studi, makna praktis dan makna edukasional dari tugas akhir, serta faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi penyelesaian tugas akhir.

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Geophysics for the Environment in Indonesia

This manuscript is the preprint version of our draft submitted to F1000Research.

Author: Achmad Darul (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Dasapta Erwin Irawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung), and Eleonora Agustine (Universitas Padjadjaran)


This paper explores the hidden potential of geophysics for the environment, focusing on Indonesia. Geophysics plays a crucial role in understanding the Earth’s physical characteristics and addressing environmental challenges. It is particularly relevant in water-related environmental problems, such as groundwater contamination and infiltration monitoring. Geophysics is also used to detect metals in fertile soils and plants, providing insights into agricultural practices and potential health risks. However, applying geophysics in urban areas poses challenges due to physical obstructions, cultural noise, limited workspace, permits, and safety concerns.

This article emphasizes the integration of geophysics with environmental studies, the need for further research on water-related environmental problems and metal detection, and the development of techniques tailored for urban environments. It suggests focusing on understanding the specific environmental challenges in Indonesia and leveraging advancements in technology for more accurate and efficient geophysical investigations.

In the Indonesian context, geophysics has diverse applications, including energy exploration, seismology, and oceanography. However, it has not been properly utilized in the field of environmental studies, particularly in urban areas.

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Five Key Aspects for Shaping the Future of Higher Education: A Vision for 2024

1. Enhance access and equity

  • Expand access to quality higher education for all socioeconomic groups, including underrepresented minorities and individuals from rural and disadvantaged communities.
  • Promote inclusive education by addressing barriers faced by students with disabilities, refugees, and migrant workers.
  • Implement flexible and affordable learning options, such as online courses, blended learning, and micro-credentials, to cater to diverse student needs and preferences.
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Five potential topics in groundwater research that can us multiple linear regression

Here are some potential topics in groundwater research that can utilize multiple linear regression:

  1. Predicting groundwater levels based on various hydrological variables
  2. Assessing the impact of land use changes on groundwater quality
  3. Investigating the relationship between rainfall patterns and groundwater recharge
  4. Analyzing the influence of geological factors on groundwater flow rates
  5. Examining the effects of pumping rates on groundwater depletion
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